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Fabrizia Fontana

PhD Students

  • BIO

I did BSc in Biology and MSc in Cellular and Molecular Biology at the Tor Vergata University of Rome (2009-2017). In 2015-2016 I joined the University of Geneva (Switzerland) as an Erasmus + trainee. In 2017, I entered the PhD programme in Agrobiodiversity of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna.

  • E. Loreti et al., ARGONAUTE1 and ARGONAUTE4 regulate gene expression and hypoxia tolerance. Plant Physiol., 182, 287–300 (2020).

My PhD project focuses on the plant hypoxia response especially when low oxygen is coupled with sugar starvation conditions. Indeed, recent discoveries shed light on low oxygen response decrease when sugar starvation occurs in comparison to normal sugar levels conditions. We are investigating about the molecular mechanisms regulating such phenomenon.